Facebook Is Getting A New Look…Again

On March 7, 2013 Facebook will revile yet another updated look to its newsfeed page. The exact details of what the page will look like are still unknown.

The new designed is an attempt to get people to keep coming back to the social networking site. It is an effort to help the now public Facebook Company earn money.

In 2012 advertisements started to appear in your Facebook newsfeed. In the latest update to the Facebook newsfeed mercurynews.com reports "Advertisers want to include bigger photos and video in their commercial messages."

Over the past few years Facebook has undergone a number of changes to its look and how users navigate the site.

It started out as a scroll of photos and news that users could browse to see what their friends were up to. Then it moved on to a real time newsfeed and ticker which allowed users to view everything their friends were doing and decide if they wanted the "top stories" or "most recent" stories to appear on their news feed. 

Facebook creator and CEO Mark Zukerberg told financial analysts "we want to make the news feed richer."

Not everyone is as excited about the prospect of yet another change to Facebook. Users took to the site to complain about the March 7th change.

"Why can't they leave stuff alone?" Says Molly Parshall. Leigh Segel says, "LAME. This is another change nobody asked for an nobody wants."

Tyler Jakob was a voice of reason among the angry comments, saying "Change isn't always a horrible thing. Nobody here knows what the change is...changes to Facebook improve aesthetics and user ease."

Wired Magazine is saying that Facebook is also looking to improve the design of the website on smart phones. The new mobile look will get rid of the excess blue, grey and white chrome features in order to free up space for users to check their newsfeed.

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