Fired For Premarital Sex Leads to Lawsuit Against Christian College in San Diego [VIDEO]

A woman claims she was fired from her job at a San Diego Christian college for engaging in premarital sex, according to a lawsuit filed earlier in February.

Teri James, 29, a financial aid specialist at San Diego Christian College in El Cajon filed the lawsuit against her employer claiming wrong termination in San Diego County Superior court.

She became pregnant by having premarital sex and was called into supervisor's office in October. At which point supervisor asked James if she was pregnant, who was unmarried at the time, which she confirmed the news, then was let go.

James went ahead and hired a high-profile attorney Gloria Allred to present her in this case.

"The HR director indicated that she was not being fired because she was pregnant. Instead, she was being terminated because she had premarital sex," said Allred.

James told news outlet that she did sign a two-page contract agreeing not to engage in "sexually immoral behavior including premarital sex."

"I needed a job in this economy and so I never thought that anything would happen," James explained to NBC's "Today."

The lawsuit explained that the termination letter stated, "Teri engaged in activity outside the scope of the Handbook and Community Covenant that does not build up the college's mission."

James shared about the meeting where she was fired, "I had to leave right after the meeting. I had to go into the office with all of my co-workers and say I'm leaving. I never came back o I don't know what my co-workers thought, but for me, it was humiliating."

After James lost her job, she claims the school then offered a position to her now-husband, even though they knew he engaged in premarital sex, too.

James currently six months pregnant, revealed her lawsuit at a press conference that she felt she was treated unfairly.

"I was unmarried, pregnant and they took away my livelihood," James said. "San Diego Christian College did not show any mercy or grace towards me, and acted completely un-Christ-like. They made more of a business decision than showing God's love."

Allred added the college, even though is a Christian school, still has to "comply with the laws of the state of California." This means that they cannot discriminate against an employee based on gender, marital status, or pregnancy.

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