Dennis Rodman Delivers Kim Jong Un's Message To The President: Call Me Maybe, Ex-NBA Star Says North Korean Leader 'Doesn't Want War' [VIDEO]

Dennis Rodman delivered a message to President Barack Obama from North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un on Sunday morning: call me.

In an appearance on ABC's "This Week," following his trip to North Korea, Rodman told George Stephanopoulos that Kim Jong Un is a peaceful man.

"He loves power," Rodman said of the new North Korean leader. "He loves control. But guess what? He doesn't want war. That's one thing he doesn't want."

According to Rodman, his new BFF Kim Jong Un asked him to tell President Obama to give him a call.

"He said, 'If you can, Dennis [tell the president] I don't want to do war. I don't want to do war.'" Rodman said about Kim Jong Un. "He said that to me. He loves basketball. And I said the same thing, I said, 'Obama loves basketball.' Let's start there," Rodman said.

Rodman told reporters on Thursday that the North Korean leader was "awesome," and that he loved the man. The former Michael Jordan teammate doubled down on his praise in the Sunday interview.

"I'm not apologizing for him," Rodman said. "You know, he's a good guy to me. Guess what? He's my friend. I don't condone what he a person to person - he's my friend."

Dennis Rodman met Kim Jong Un at a basketball game on Thursday in Pyongyang, North Korea's capital, media company VICE told the Associated Press.

"You have a friend for life," Rodman told Kim Jong Un at the meeting, according to a delegation spokesman.

Dennis Rodman was in Pyongyang with a camera crew from VICE to film a documentary for HBO about North Korea. Three players from the professional Harlem Globetrotters exhibition team are also part of the VICE entourage.

At Thursday's exhibition game that reportedly featured two American basketball players on each team alongside the North Koreans, Rodman and Kim Jong Un were seated next to each other, with the former Chicago Bull getting rare access to the North Korean leader who does not typically rub elbows with Westerners.

VICE reports the two were chatting it up as they took in the basketball game.

See Dennis Rodman's Sunday intervew with the ex-NBA star's message for President Obama from Kim Jong Un here:

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