Casey Anthony Back In Court After Tot Mom Files Bankruptcy; First Public Appearance After Missing Daughter Caylee’s Trial, 2011

The 26-year-old Casey Anthony will have to come out of hiding and head back to court for a bankruptcy meeting. Anthony filed for bankruptcy in January 2013.

The Casey Anthony bankruptcy meeting will take place in Tampa, Florida.

Anthony hit the public eye in 2008 when her 2-year-old daughter Caylee went missing. It was presumed that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter when a web of lies she told about the missing child's whereabouts came unraveled.

After the 2-year-old's body was found not far from the Anthony's home, Casey Anthony was put on trial where she faced the death penalty. After a jury determined that there was not enough evidence to convict Anthony was acquitted of murder and set free.

Casey Anthony's problems were not over once she left the courtroom. She was the most hated woman in America at the time and had no means of supporting her self. She turned on her parents after they hung her out to dry during the trial and was no longer living with them.

With no income Anthony was forced to file bankruptcy. She will be making her first public appearance at the hearing since she was released from jail in 2011.

Radar Online reports that Casey Anthony is $792,000 in debt and has only $1,000 in her bank account. How she will earn an income after filing bankruptcy is unclear; it is unlikely that any reputable 9 to 5 company will hire her.

Bankruptcy is not Casey Anthony's only legal trouble. She is facing a civil suit from a woman named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.

Anthony originally told Florida police that Gonzalez was Caylee's babysitter and that she had kidnapped the child. Gonzalez is suing for defamation of character. Gonzalez says that she never met Casey or Caylee.

There is no information on whether or not the bankruptcy case will affect the civil suit.

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