Bill Gekas Photographs 5-Year-Old Daughter As Model For Adaptation Of Famous Classic Paintings By Masters Rembrandt, Vermeer

Bill Gekas's latest photography project features his 5-year-old daughter as the model for reproductions of famous works of art.

The Australian artist Bill Gekas was inspired by classical paintings by Rembrandt, Raphael, and Velasquez, and decided that he and his daughter should make some tributes to well-known portraits by these artists.

Bill Gekas's five-year-old daughter wears the traditional wardrobe of the original models in her father's photographs.

In the images, she is transformed into recognizable figures like Johannes Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pearl Earring".

In an interview with JPG Magazine, Gekas said, "I like blurring the line between fine art and portraiture, creating something deeper."

Gekas's said in another interview, "Although the photos aren't recreations of any particular painting, I try to recreate the overall aesthetic the old masters' works were known for.

Gekas is an award-winning photographer, and considered a self-taught fine-art portrait photographer.

He was born and lives in Melbourne, Australia. He started taking photographs with a 35mm film SLR camera in the mid 1990's, and switched to digital in 2005.

His works can be seen on his website,

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Bill Gekas
