British Cyclist Killed During Race: Is Head-On Collision With Vehicle In UK Road Race Part Of An Alarming Trend?

A British cyclist was killed in a head-on collision with a vehicle during a road race in England Sunday.

Junior Heffernan, 23, was reportedly trying to advance to the front of the race when the vehicle struck him.

Cycling News reported that Heffernan was riding the second lap of the 66-mile Severn Bridge Road Race in South Gloucestershire when he collided with a vehicle at high speed. He died as a result of his injuries.

The Severn Bridge race was the first in which Heffernan was riding with his new team, Team Herbalife-Leisure Lakes.

Officials ended the race following the accident.

"This is a tragedy which will profoundly sadden everyone associated with cycling in this country," British Cycling president Brian Cookson told Cycling News. "My thoughts are with Junior's family and with his friends."

It is common for a road race to have cars riding near the cylists. Mobile camera crews often record film of the race, while others take photos. The cars are also used to help direct traffic for the bikers.

No word yet on what, if any role the vehicle that struck Heffernan played in the race.

The accident was part of an alarming spike in international biking accidents in the last several weeks.

As recently as last week, reported that A 22 year old cyclist, said to be of foreign nationality, has died. Two others were injured in two traffic accidents on the AP-7, Cartagena to Alicante motorway at San Javier, according to sources from the 112 Emergency Coordination Centre.'

Three more were killed recently in Nagpur, India when a 32-year-old railway employee, riding without a helmet, lost his life driving at a high speed, hitting a cyclist, then hit by a truck, according to the India Times.

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