'Red Coat Girl' Traumatized By Her Part In Schindler's List - 'I Didn't Want To Watch It Ever Again In My Life'

The "red coat girl" said she is traumatized by "Schindler's List" and her role in the film. The young actress was not able to understand the film's intensely dark story until she watched it many years later.

Oliwia Dabrowska was four years old when she appeared in Steven Spielberg's Holocaust epic. When she saw the movie later as a young adult, the "red coat girl" said she was traumatized.

"It was too horrible," Dabrowska said in an interview. "I could not understand much, but I was sure that I didn't want to watch it ever again in my life."

Spielberg allegedly tried to warn the "red coat girl" that she might be traumatized if she saw "Schindler's List" before she was mature enough to really understand the depth and horror of the subject matter and storyline.

The critically acclaimed movie tells the story of Oskar Schindler a revered factory owner who made attempts to save as many Jews as he could from being sent off to concentration camps. The film depicts realistically gruesome scenes of genocide.

Dabrowska admitted she watched Schindler's List again as an adult and her initial feelings of shock and horror disappeared. She now feels very proud to have been involved in the filming of such a highly-renowned movie.

The actress played an important role in the film as the "red coat girl." Even though she spoke no lines and her time on screen was limited, her character stood out. Schindler's List was primarily filmed in black-and-white, but the Dabrowska wore seen in red. Later in the film, her body is known among a group of dead Jewish people by that red coat.

Many critics have said that her small part added a tragic dimension to the story that gave faces to the countless numbers of victims.

Dabrowska's role in the film is said to be based on Roma Logocka, a girl that lived in the Krakow Ghetto who was noted for her coat. Unlike the "red coat girl" in Schindler's List, Logocka survived the Holocaust.

After "Schindler's List" was released Logocka wrote a book called "The Girl in the Red Coat: A Memoir."

Dabrowska has appeared in one other film, but is likely to always be remembered for her role as the "red coat girl."

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