Dance Gets Miners Fired, 'Harlem Shake' Is A Good Way To Lose Your Job [VIDEO]

Dance gets miners fired: over a dozen Australian miners were fired for recording an underground video of themselves doing the "Harlem Shake".

The miners in question were reportedly making six figures working in the Agnew Mine in Western Australia.

Reports are unclear of exactly how many miners were fired for the dance video, but sources report as many as 15 may have lost their jobs.

The news comes after the men posted a 31-second video of eight workers doing the "Harlem Shake" dance craze while underground in the mine.

Their management company, Barminco, was not amused by the video clip and decided to fire the miners for breaking safety rules and regulations.

In the video some of the miners are holding tools, while others are shirtless. None of them are wearing regulatory safety equipment.

"Underground mining has strict safety standards as there are accidents and fatalities. The Barminco management saw this as a breach of standards," Sven Lunsche, a spokesman with mine owner Gold Fields Ltd., said in an interview on Monday.

He said the decision to fire the workers was made after some deliberation over the YouTube video that emerged last week.

One of the fired miners, who asked not to be named, was quoted in the West Australian that the mine operator's choice to fire them was too severe. He said they were just "having a bit of fun."

However, Barminco disagreed. They said in a statement that the workers' dancing undermines the firm's "core values of safety, integrity and excellence," and added that they are never allowed to work with the company again anywhere in the world.

Some of the workers are discussing taking legal action against the company to get their jobs back.

The men also said the dance video was filmed while they were on a break.

The "Harlem Shake" is a dancing craze that has gained popularity across the world by way of YouTube over the past several weeks. Thousands of videos of the dance are being uploaded every day, some of which feature famous celebrities and athletes.

This is not the first time disciplinary action has been taken against "Harlem Shake" dancers. Last week several high school students in Grand Rapids, Michigan were suspended from school after making a video in their classroom. Their teacher was also sent home.

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