Carrie Fisher To Return To ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ as Princess Leia In Intergalactic ‘Old Folks Home’

Carrie Fisher will return to her role as Princess Leia in the next 'Star Wars' movie.

Carrie Fisher was asked if she would return to the role of Leia in an interview with Palm Beach Illustrated, to which Fisher answered, "Yes."

Fisher joked about her character, telling the interviewer Leia would be old and living in an intergalactic old-folks' home, but still sporting her infamous dual-bun hairdo from the first 'Star Wars' film, and her bikini from the third one.

"The bagel buns and the bikini, because probably she has sundowners syndrome. At sundown, she thinks that she's 20-something. And she puts it on and gets institutionalized," Fisher explained.

That is probably not a vision of Princess Leia that J.J. Abrams shares, so Carrie Fisher added that she thinks, realistically, that Leia would "be just like she was before, only slower and less inclined to be up for the big battle."

Various rumors have suggested that Carrie Fisher will be joined by Harrison Ford, who will take his infamous role as Han Solo again.

The actor that played Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamil, has reportedly been approached by George Lucas to see if he would want to reprise his role. Hamil mentioned that Lucas wouldn't recast any of the original roles, and would instead write out the character if the actor declined, according to CNET.

'Star Wars Episode VII' is still in the early stages, with Michael Arndt writing the screenplay.

The new 'Star Wars' movie is due to release in 2015. 

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