Mount Etna Erupts In Italy: Most Active Volcano In Europe Puts Local Sicilian Towns in Danger? [VIDEO]

On Tuesday the most active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna, erupted on the island of Sicily. There are two villages on the slopes of Mount Etna, Messina and Catanina.

As of now the people in Catanina and Messina are in no danger from Mount Etna, since the latest eruption is occurring in a newly formed crater at the top of the mountain.

Mount Etna's current eruption is taking place 9,500 feet above sea level. The volcanic soil supports the agriculture of the neighboring towns. They are rich in farms, orchards, and vineyards.

Mount Etna erupts often and usually causes some problems with air traffic in the area due to the amount of ash it normally spews out. This is not the case with Tuesday's eruption.

NPR reports that the activity from Mount Etna can be seen from space and have posted a video of the volcano's recent activity.

In the video you see hot lava shooting out of the top of the volcano in a fountain like spray, reminiscent of the scene in the 'Return of the King' when Mount Doom erupts and collapses.

Mount Etna is not Italy's only famous volcano. Italy is home to what is probably the world's most famous volcano, Mount Vesuvius.

Mount Vesuvius erupts about every 20 years, but the most talked about eruption took place in 79 AD. The volcano erupted and covered the Italian city Pompeii in ash and pumice.

The eruption took place on August 24th the amount of ash that came from the mountain was enough to cover the city in total darkness. The people left in Pompeii were smothered by the ash, which left perfect casts of their bodies.

The casts have been on display in museums all over the world.

The United States is no stranger to volcanic eruptions. In 1980 Mount Saint Helens exploded covering 3 states in ash and killing 57 people.

In 2010 the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull erupted and sent ash flying into the atmosphere. It halted air traffic in and out of Europe for 6 days.

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