Ohio Executes Man For Fatally Shooting Security Gaurd In 1994: Frederick Treesh Recieves Lethal Injection For Cross-Country Crime Spree With Pal [PHOTO]

The state of Ohio executed a 48-year-old man on Wednesday convicted of fatally shooting a security guard and wounding a cashier in an adult bookstore east of Cleveland in 1994, Ohio State Corrections officials told the news agency Reuters.

Frederick Treesh was convicted of fatally shooting security guard Henry Dupree with four bullets from a 9mm handgun, and shooting cashier Louis Lauver twice, during a cross country crime spree that spanned a half dozen states.

Convicted murdered  Treesh was pronounced dead of a state sanctioned lethal injection of pentobarbital at 10:37 a.m. EST on Wednesday in a Lucasville, Ohio prison.

Treesh shot Dupree and Lauver as he allegedly was robbing the Vine Street News store to get money to score crack cocaine.

Treesh also attempted to kill several police officers chasing him, as he and his accomplice Benjamin Brooks fled the store, the AP reports. Ohio police arrested the two men after Treesh ran out of bullets.

According to prosecutors, Treesh and accomplice robbed banks and businesses, committed sexual assaults, stole cars, committed carjackings and shot someone to death in a Michigan robbery during the spree that also took them to Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Brooks received a 40 years to life sentence.

Gov. John Kasich denied Treesh clemency last week.

The state parole board recommended this course of action due to evidence showing Dupree was seated when Treesh murdered him in cold blood and wasn't a threat to Treesh.

 Treesh's attorney apologized for the deaths, but said their client had an addiction to cocaine.

Treesh wrote an apology for the Dupree, the last document the convicted murderer ever wrote.

"If you want me murdered, just say it," Treesh wrote.

Treesh's prison behavior is indicative of "a self-indulgent, petulant and immature individual," the board told the AP.

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