Rick Springfield Arrested Friday After Skipping DUI Court Appearance: Singer's Lawyer Forgot To Mention Court Date Inside Source Tells KpopStarz [EXCLUSIVE]

Rock music legend Rick Springfield was arrested Friday morning for failing to appear in court following a 2011 DUI charge, yet an inside source says it was all his lawyer's fault.

A warrant for Springfield's arrest was issued after the "Jessie's Girl" singer allegedly failed to appear in court to confirm completion of the California state sobriety program a judge ordered him to attend for reckless driving, according to the Huffington Post.

In a KpopStarz exclusive, an employee at the Eagle Mountain Casino in Porterville, Calif.  where Springfield performed following his arrest Friday, says the singer's lawyer failed to notify him of his court appointment, leading to the arrest.

"My home away from home. Lost hills sheriff station," Springfield wrote on his Facebook page Friday. "Arrested this AM on a bench warrant. I didn't know that I was supposed appear in court a few weeks ago. It was to do with the old DUI charge and it's been cleared up and i am free to go. Thought I might miss the gig tonite but I will be there and we will celebrate together.
Life is not boring."

Yet whoever's fault the Rick Springfield arrest was, the matter was soon sorted out with the help of the 1980s pop star's wife Barbara Springthorpe.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department confirmed to E! News that Springthorpe brought the requisite paperwork and ultimately Springfield was not booked on any charge.

A Grammy Award-winning artist, Springfield chronicled his battle with drugs, alcohol, and depression in his 2010 autobiography "Late, Late at Night." 

"Prozac, lithium could never get enough of 'em," Springfield wrote. "Last wills, shrink's bills, sleeping pills, sex kills. Edge of sanity, my infidelity. Looking in the mirror and thinking how it used to be. Don't like the skin I'm in, caught in a tailspin."

See the video for Rick Springfield's hit song "Jessie's Girl" RIGHT HERE:

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