Montana Parents Want Justice In Son’s Singapore Death

Shane Todd was found to have hanged himself in his Singapore apartment in June of 2012.

He was living and working in Singapore as an engineer for The Institute of Microelectronics but hated the company and resigned one month before his death.

Shane Todd's parents, Rick and Mary Todd do not think their son took his own life. They say that they have evidence that will prove there was foul play involved in the death of their son.

For example, the suicide note Shane Todd was said to have left in his Singapore apartment was full of discrepancies. It contained false information and made references to family events that never took place.

In the note Todd allegedly thanked the company he used to work for. Todd's parents were adamant that he never would have done that.

"Absolutely none of it made any sense. I knew at that point he didn't write the note. From that point on, I believe my son was murdered," Mary Todd told

The other thing that does not make sense to Todd's parents is that he was getting ready to leave Singapore and come back to the United States. He was packing up his apartment and bought a plane ticket for the US.

Mary and Rick Todd believe that their son was killed over research he was doing for The Institute of Microelectronics. Shane Todd believed his research was going to be used to advance military technology in China. Rick Todd spoke with his son about these concerns.

"He said, 'I think they've asked me to compromise US security. I feel like I would be betraying my country.' But he didn't give us the specifics."

While in Singapore Mr. and Mrs. Todd searched Shane Todd's apartment and found a drive on his computer that they believe is the reason their son was murdered.

According to ABC News the drive had documents related to his research stored on it. They also found that the documents had been opened twice after the time of their son's death.

The Todd's have enlisted the help of two United States Senators from Montana. Their hope is to get the FBI to take over control of the investigation. Only then will the couple hand over the drive they found on their son's computer.

They also got a coroner and hired a pathologist to determine the cause of Shane's death. The doctor found that the wounds on Shane Todd's hands suggest he had recently been in a fight.

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