President Obama Attends Sasha's Basketball Game: POTUS Sets Aside Sequester Mess To Watch 11-Year-Old Daughter Play

President Barack Obama attended his 11-year-old daughter Sasha's basketball game Saturday morning in Chevy Chase, Md., near Washington, D.C., according to ABC News.

The president took in Sasha's basketball game Saturday after a week which saw Obama adopt a new strategy, attempting to woo congressional Republicans to his administration's side in the sequester crisis.

"President Barack Obama hopes to spark a pitchfork revolt against Republicans over sequester-induced budget cuts," Glenn Thrush and Carrie Budoff Brown of Politico wrote. "But many Democrats fret that he's undermined that effort with an early strategy marred by hype, poor planning, and muddled messaging."

The president reportedly returned to the White House directly following Sasha's basketball game.

A lifelong basketball player and fan, President Obama coached Sasha's basketball team for a year, a move that didn't score him any big points with his daughters he told ESPN's Andy Katz in 2012.

"With the girls, they just think of it as dad, that is what dads are supposed to do. They take it for granted," Obama said.

The president said watching Sasha's basketball games is one of his favorite things in the world.

"What was fun, this is now the third year that the team has played together, and to see them all develop at different paces, to get better and start thinking as a team and to feel good when the team does well, to pick each other up when something is not going well, you can't beat it," Obama said. "You can't beat the satisfaction."

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