New Delhi Bus Rape Suspect “Escapes Justice,” Commits Suicide In Jail Cell

Ram Singh, one of 6 men arrested and on trial for the December 2012 rape and murder of a 23-year-old New Delhi student was found to have commit suicide in his Tihar jail cell.

Singh and a group of men lured the woman onto a bus; the men assaulted and raped the woman while Singh drove around.  Singh was a bus driver and the vehicle used during the rape was normally used to ferry school children.

The men on the bus, which also included Ram Singh's little brother, raped the woman and sexually abused her with a metal bar. The rape victim died a week later from her injuries.

Doctors told Huffington Post, "it appears the rod was inserted into her and pulled out with so much force it brought out her intestines."

The New Delhi rape case sparked outrage around the world. In India men and women marched in the streets to protests what happened to the woman and to demand a better legal system in their country.

Ram Singh was found hanging from his jail cell at 5am on Monday morning. He used his cloths as a makeshift noose and committed suicide.

The family of Ram Singh's rape victim feel he "escaped justice" by killing himself. Singh's family does not believe that he took his own life.

MSN News reports the victim's family as saying, "We don't understand how could the police fail to protect Ram Singh. They knew he was the prime accused," said the student's father, who cannot be named for legal reasons. "How could they let him choose the way he wanted to die?"

Singh's family and his lawyer are looking at his death as a murder not a suicide. Ram Singh was having issues with other inmates and received death threats.

Ram Sing's father, Mange Lal Singh said if his son committed suicide than he would have left them a note. He also says that he could not have taken his own life using just one hand as the evidence suggests.

Singh's cellmates slept through his suicide and the guard on duty did not notice anything out of the ordinary. This leads to more questions as to how an inmate on suicide watch at a maximum-security prison could take his own life.

Authorities are still investigating, Ram Singh will be autopsied and an official cause of death will be determined.

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