$250,000 Subway Typo On Transit Maps: MTA Tosses Quarter Million Dollars In Maps Misprinting Recently-Increased Fare, Commuters Furious

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) of New York City threw away $250,000 in subway maps that show a fare typo, just days after a subway fare hike went into effect in NYC.

The $250,000 subway typo caused the MTA to dispose of newly printed subway maps displaying the old fare, before the hike went into effect, according to the New York Post.

The typo shows the minimum price of a pay-per-ride card as $4.50, whereas the accurate fare as of March 1 is $5.

The Transit Workers Union Local 100 said 80,000 maps were printed incorrectly. But, an MTA spokesman told the Post that he couldn't 'get a figure' on the exact number of maps or their cost.

"They weren't coming out with a new map because they were changing the map. They were coming out with a new map because they were changing the price. That was the sole purpose. And they couldn't even get that right," stated MTA station agent and union leader Paul Flores.

An unnamed source told the Post, "They're very embarrassed about this. They were frantically calling the booths trying to get those maps back."

MTA agents tried to stop distribution of the maps before they reached customers.

One MTA employee said, "it was an urgent message: Please don't issue any maps to the customers."

Corrected maps will be released on March 15, according to another source.

Subway commuters are still up in arms over the fare hike, which took effect early in March. The new fare raised unlimited-ride MetroCards from $104 to $112, weekly cards from $29 to $30 and regular fare for subways and busses from $2.25 to $2.50.

Every new purchase of a MetroCard also entails a $1 fee, reportedly to decrease litter in the station areas.

The MTA claimed it is "raising fares and tolls because our costs for employee health care, pension contributions, mandatory paratransit service, energy and other costs out of our control are rising far faster than the rate of inflation."

Twitter users took to the social media site to vent their frustrations. One user said, "oh boy. well done @MTAInsider and right on the heels of another farehike."

Another user wrote, "Ask a 3rd grader how to solve the problem. #idiots $250K Subway Map Typo Spotted In NYC"

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