Living to 150 Is More Of a Possibility Than You Think [VIDEO]

Scientists and doctors have weighed in; there is no reason why humans can't live to the ripe old age of 150.

Today, the oldest man alive is 115-year-old Jiroemon Kimura of Japan. But it seems unlikely he will be around for another three decades. However, Dr. Aubrey de Grey thinks that the first person capable of living to 150 has already been born.

De Gray, a biomedical gerontologist said, "I've always been fastidious in only saying that the first such person is PROBABLY alive today. I would estimate the chance at 90%, though that could fall as low as 70% if funding for the relevant research in the coming decade or two is not sharply increased."

De Grey believes that as technology and medicine advance, people will live longer and longer lives, with many reaching the 100-year mark and beyond.

While Dr. De Gray claims to have no concrete data support his hypothesis, he does offer a compelling analogy - he compares the human body to a car and says if you treat it with care, it will last a long time.

He explains, "It's always been a mystery to me why this isn't totally obvious to everyone. Do we let cars fall apart when they get old? - yes in general, but not if we really want them not to - that's why we have 50 year old VW Beetles driving around, and even vintage cars. It's bizarre that people don't see that the exact same thing is true of the machine we call the human body, just that that machine is a lot more complicated so the development of sufficiently comprehensive preventative maintenance is a lot more challenging."

And there have been some recent developments in the science world regarding aging.

One study published by Science recently discussed the anti-aging properties of red wine.

There are also dozens of new anti-aging drugs expected to hit the market within the next five years and research is still being conducted to create new super-drugs that treat existing ailments while preventing a host of others. These drugs are expected to drastically increase the lifespan of humans.

You can watch an interview with Dr. Aubrey De Grey where he discusses his theories below.

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