Khloe Kardashian Net Worth Decreased Because Of Rob Kardashian? Admits She 'Babies' Him!

Khloe Kardashian's net worth has reportedly lowered recently. This is allegedly due to Rob Kardashian, who has been living with her.

According to rumors, Rob staying in her house makes her value go lower, as she takes care of another person. Moreso, according to fans, she is viewed less of an attractive celebrity with Rob being around.

In a recent interview with Complex Magazine, Khloe reveals that he insists on having Rob live in her place while he's going through a rough time in his life.

"Rob lives with me now and I wouldn't have it any other way," she said. "I love having him with me."

"He's going through a hard time now and it's behind gates," the "KUWTK" star added. "With this crazy lifestyle you have to think of places where you can still have your freedom."

To add to the news about Khloe Kardashian's net worth decreasing, she added that she is the one to blame for insisting that her brother live with her.

"Listen, he's a man, and 28 and I'm sure it doesn't sound good to say, 'Oh I live with my sister,' but it's not because he has to," she said. "I'm like, 'Put this into perspective, your friends live at home with their parents because they can't do anything else."

"Your sister's literally holding you captive and actively making you," Khloe added. "So if that makes you feel better, say that all you want.' I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I'm sure that's why he would threaten to move out."

"I call him my son as a joke," Khloe continued, igniting numerous reports of how allegedly 'unhealthy' her relationship with her brother is. "I'll call my assistant and be like, 'Did you guys ask if he wanted lunch?' or this or that and my sisters hate that I do that. I do baby him but I'm a maternal person."

As to confirmation of whether it's true that Khloe Kardashian's net worth has decreased because of Rob, we have yet to find out.

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