Ben Affleck Denies Romantic Rumors With Nanny; Caretaker Says She’s In It Only For The Money?

Despite the denial of Ben Affleck's rep that the actor is dating his and Jennifer Garner's nanny Christine Ouzounian, rumors of the alleged affair have refused to die down.

And now a close friend of Ouzonian, together with other sources, have disclosed to E! Online more details of the alleged affair between the caretaker and the "Batman" star.

"She was not doing her job of being a nanny," revealed a source close to the couple.

"This was not the reason they announced the separation. It was one of many things," the source added, explaining that Ouzonian had nothing to do with the couple's divorce.

The source further clarified the award-winning actor isn't interested in romance at this point.

"Ben is absolutely not dating anyone. There is nothing physical of romantic between Ben and Christine," the source said.

"Dating is not his focus and it hasn't been his focus throughout the separation period. He was tired of Jen's negative energy and constant berating-but that does not mean he cheated," the source added.

However, a close friend of the nanny told E! Online that the professional relationship she had with the 42-year-old actor had allegedly evolved into something "inappropriate."

"What started out as a flirtation quickly turned into more," the pal said.

A photograph of Ben Affleck and Ouzonian taken last July 17 showing the two hanging out after the latter stopped working for the power couple somehow seemed to confirm this revelation.

And it turned out that it was the caretaker who tipped the paparazzi to shoot her and the "Sum Of All Fears" actor together, according to the source, adding that the latter became "very upset" after being photographed.

Meanwhile, a close friend of Ouzonian disclosed that the caretaker simply wanted to be paid "good money" and wasn't really interested in becoming intimate with the stars she was serving, People reported.

"She was never obsessed with celebrities and only saw working as a nanny for celebs as a good business opportunity to make good money," the friend told People.

Several sources have confirmed that Ouzounian disclosed to friends that she was indeed having an affair with Affleck and that she was in "in love" with him.

Ben Affleck, however, has denied the nanny's claim, describing their association merely as "a work relationship and a friendship."

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