Montana Man Who Waterboarded Kids Pled Guilty To 4 Misdemeanor Charges, Felony Charges Dropped; No Jail Time For ‘Teaching Kids A Lesson’

A Montana man who waterboarded four kids pled guilty on March 13 and reached a plea deal, getting off with only a two-year probation and no additional jail time.

The man from Jefferson County claimed he was teaching the kids a lesson by waterboarding them.

The man who waterboarded kids avoided a jail sentence over the torture technique by pleading guilty. He only received probation, despite the fact that he made threats to public officials, according to an ABC news report.

In December, the 42-year-old Montana man was arrested at Helena airport after traveling from Alaska. Police arrested him on felony charges for waterboarding four children.

He reportedly waterboarded two of his own children and two from his neighborhood.

The man's girlfriend at the time claimed that she broke her wrist and several fingers trying to stop the man from using the torture technique on children.

The girlfriend said the man straddled each boy with his hands over the child's face and mouth and dumped water on their faces to simulate drowning, according to records.

She then explained to the prosecutors that her boyfriend had described the waterboarding as 'teaching learning lessons'.

When the man was being tried, a plea deal was reached and the charges were dropped. Prosecutors stated that in return for the man's admission of guilt, felony charges had been reduced to four misdemeanor endangerment charges.

The judge sentenced the man to 180 days in jail, but suspended his sentence and gave him credit for time served.

Because the Montana man pled guilty to waterboarding children, he only was given a two-year probation sentence.

Police would not confirm allegations that the man owns body armor, assault rifles, and armor piercing bullets, according to the Examiner

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