Jimmy Fallon And Nicole Kidman's Respective Marriages In Peril? Actress Continues To 'Flirt' With Host?

A couple of weeks ago, fans started speculating that Jimmy Fallon and Nicole Kidman's respective marital woes were somehow related to Kidman's January guesting on the "Tonight Show".

It would be remembered that when Kidman appeared on the show, she informed Fallon that they once went on a blind date, except Fallon wasn't aware that the meeting was a date or that the Oscar winner was interested in him.

Fallon appeared taken aback by Kidman's admission, and according to Us Weekly, he went on to appear on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and shared what he recalled of that fateful meeting.

"The reason why I was there wasn't because I wanted you for the movie...No, I liked you," Fallon told DeGeneres.

"It all worked out," Fallon said near the end of his interview with DeGeneres. "She's obviously happy with Keith Urban and I lucked out I have the best wife in the whole wide world."

Speculations reached fever pitch after Kidman's interview with "Vogue" magazine wherein the actress purportedly sent a secret message to Fallon on a kangaroo postcard and sealed it with a 'Nicole Kidman' stamp, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

However, things have not been well on the home front for Fallon, since his wife, Nancy Juvonen, is reportedly divorcing Jimmy Fallon and Nicole Kidman doesn't have anything to do with it.

Apparently, there was no truth to his confession that he hurt his hand as he tripped on a braided rug, resulting to his fingers near-amputation.

According to Celebrity Dirty Laundry, he hurt his hand while out partying with other women, none of whom were his wife.

"While the late night host blamed his gruesome injury on his two left feet, he was actually two sheets to the wind after night on the town with two young women," a tabloid reported.

"Nancy was really angry," an insider apparently disclosed to the tabloid. "Jimmy's bad behavior has been getting worse and she totally lost her temper. She has been asking herself how he can possibly take care of his family when he can barely take care of himself. Nancy is really sick of it and I wouldn't be surprised if she is threatening divorce."

The tabloid also reported that NBC is considering axing him from the "Tonight Show" because of Fallon's recent behavior. Nevertheless, Gossip Cop has since reported that there is no truth to the divorce or "Tonight Show" firing rumors.

Perhaps Jimmy Fallon and Nicole Kidman were just alleged victims of nasty gossips.

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Nicole Kidman
