Henry Cavill Superman Workout Revealed; Shares He Was Called 'Fat Cavill' When He Was Younger!

Henry Cavill has been making headlines lately, as his much-awaited film, "Batman V Superman" is set to hit theaters soon. Due to this, news about his workout as Superman has been reported on by numerous outlets.

Moreso, the actor has been receiving numerous projects for other films and he has been fronting numerous magazines as their cover boy for the month.

One of the magazines that has him on their cover for this month, is "Men's Fitness."

During the cover story interview, the actor revealed that he was dubbed the fat kid when he was younger.

"They used to call me Fat Cavill," he shared, as quoted by Entertainment Tonight. "I was a prime target for them. I actually had rolls of fat on me. One guy told me I had tits."

"I was a big eater, and I still love food. I'm still an indulger, in alcohol, in food, in all the things I enjoy in life. I've never been able to do things in half measures. That's probably why I was fat as a kid."

"And yet as much as people made fun of me, there was no actual bullying," the "Batman V Superman" star clarified. "But I will admit I was quite bitter for a while. They also called me a 'lemon,' a guy who gets nowhere with the girls."

As to Henry Cavill's Superman workout, a previous article from Men's Fitness revealed that the actor went on a six-month long training plan to achieve his body that he is currently carrying out.

His workouts included squats, jump squats, front squats, pull-up ladder, etcetera. 

While the workout seems rigorous and seem to be impossible to do for some people, the reward is definitely worth it, as Cavill demonstrates.

Ever since his Superman workout got published, Henry Cavill has been the body peg for alot of men who wish to become fit and lean.

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