Donald Trump And Megyn Kelly Feud: FOX News Host Not Threatened, Will Continue ‘Good Journalism Without Fear’

Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly's feud is still on. On Monday night, the FOX News host addressed the mogul's personal attacks on her. She said that the mogul's tirades wouldn't stop her from doing what's right.

"I certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism, so I'll continue doing my job without fear or favor," she said on her show "The Kelly File."

"This is a tough business," she added, "and it's time now to move forward."

Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly's feud started when the 69-year-old entrepreneur said that the host had "blood coming out of her wherever" when she grilled him about his remarks about females during the infamous GOP debate.

During the debate, Megyn Kelly asked the businessman about his description of women during his previous campaign. She pointed out that Donald Trump used insulting words such as "dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals."

On Sunday, the real estate magnate told NBC's "Meet the Press" that he wouldn't apologize for his remark.

"There's nothing to apologize (for)," he told the show's host. "I thought she asked a very, very unfair question."

"What I said was totally appropriate," he added. "There was nothing wrong. Only a deviant, and I literally mean that, only a deviant would think anything other than that. What I said was totally fine."

Donald Trump went on to say that he only apologizes when he's wrong. He also told host Chuck Todd that it's unlikely for him to speak that way.

"Well, then all of a sudden, the next day, I wake up and I hear that, you know, somebody took it as something else," he said. "Only a deviant would think that, Chuck. I didn't even think that. Who would think it?"

"Hey, I went to the Wharton School of Finance, the toughest place to get into. I was a great student. I don't talk that way."

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