School Shooting Video Game: Insensitive Or Innocent Fun?

A new first person shooter video game set in a Canadian high school is drawing a lot of attention.

The school shooting video game allows the player to roam the halls of the school building with a variety of weapons shooting people around every turn. The developer simulation shows victims in the hallways and classrooms of the Port Moody Secondary School building, blood staining the floors and walls.

It was supposedly developed as a map for the well-known Couterstrike game series which gives users the opportunity to create whatever settings they choose.

Many have criticized the game saying it is insensitive and cruel, especially in the tragic wake of so many horrifying school shootings. And in particular, many critics are addressing last December's school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The game's developer has stated, however, that the game was already in development before the unfortunate school shooting in Newton.

He also mentioned that he used the school as a backdrop for his first-person shooter game because the layout lends well to the style game and it is a familiar setting.

"We certainly don't seek to promote harmful action against any persons," he added.

Those involved in the school shooting video game's development have insisted that they do not in any way support violence against other people and claim that the game is just a game and playing it does not mean a person is or will become a murderer.

Many disagree, saying that the video game is insensitive and encourages violence.

Below you can watch a simulation of the game and judge for yourself.

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