Winds Of Winter' Release Date Confirmed By Next Year? Editor Spills Details On George R.R. Martin's Book

The release date for "Winds of Winter" has been confirmed for next year as the editor revealed some details surrounding George R. R. Martin's latest opus.

Alejo Cuervo, the editor of Ediciones Gigamesh, told Lossie Tereinos, per IBTimes said that the "Winds of Winter" will answer the questions following the ending of "A Dance of Dragons" that left many fans frustrated at the huge cliffhanger.

"The difference between the release dates of the Spanish version and the English version are not expected to be much, as the manuscript will be made available to the Spanish publishers well before the book is out in the market," the article said.

But Alejo Cuervo wasn't about to dish out the exact date of the "Winds of Winter" release date. But he did manage to crack a joke that it still might not happen "if a meteor should fall."

This coincided with the previous interview by George R. R. Martin with Entertainment Weekly where he said that he's trying to finish announce the "Winds of Winter" release date prior to the airing of the sixth season of "Game of Thrones" in April next year.

He also said that he's cleared most of his schedules to make that happen.

The author told the magazine, "I wish it was out now. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic about how quickly I can finish. But I canceled two convention appearances, I'm turning down a lot more interviews-anything I can do to clear my decks and get this done."

He also explained the delay in the "Winds of Winter" release date as he said, "I was red hot on the book and I put it aside for six months."

"I was so into it. I was pushing so hard that I was writing very well," George R. R. Martin added. "I should have just gone on from there, because I was so into it and it was moving so fast then."

"But I didn't because I had to switch gears into the editing phase and then the book tour. The iron does cool off, for me especially."

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