Kylie Jenner Gives Advice To Girls Who Wants Lips Like Hers

In a recent New York Times article, Kylie Jenner, 18, talked about her lip fillers and gave advice to girls who want lips like hers. Her greatest word of wisdom? Start with temporary fillers.

Kylie Jenner is so glad she found Dr. Simon Ourian in Beverly Hills, who gives her a "natural" look.

"I still do Juvéderm for my lips. I go to Dr. Ourian in Beverly Hills. He's the best, and he's super natural about it," she explained to the Times. "I was going to somebody before, and it was just looking crazy."

Kylie Jenner advised others girls who are interested in getting lips like hers to first try temporary fillers, just in case they don't like the way they look.

"I would recommend that anyone who gets it done go for a filler that lasts only two to four months," she said. "It's annoying to keep going back, but you have the option of stopping it."

As we previously reported, New York City plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman (who has not treated Kylie) told PEOPLE magazine that patients under 18 typically need parental permission to get temporary lip injections, and Kylie was just 17 when she admitted to getting them done.

"The laws may vary state to state, but it's pretty well accepted that a minor cannot be seen by a doctor, be evaluated by a doctor or be treated by a doctor without parental permission. There must have been someone, presumably her mother, who was with her and would have needed to sign authorization for the treatment."

This suggests that Kris Jenner signed off on Kylie's procedure.

Schulman, who is also an assistant professor at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said while the procedure is quite common, it is not advised for minors.

"I don't think there's a safety concern," he explained. "I think the bigger concern with her being 17 is more of a psychological concern: whether she's old enough or mature enough to undergo body transformation."

"I have temporary lip fillers. It's just an insecurity of mine, and it's what I wanted to do," Kylie said in a previous episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. "I'm just not ready to talk to reporters about my lips yet, because everyone always picks us apart." 

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Kylie Jenner
