Lindsay Lohan’s Instagram Rant Alarming Friends? Career Comeback Rumors Not True?

Lindsay Lohan recently posted an Instagram rant that alarmed her friends and fans. The post was reported by Mirror UK, which makes it seem like the actress' plans of making a serious career comeback are not true.

Lindsay Lohan's Instagram post had her babbling about deceased singer Michael Jackson as her "real only private friend." The "Mean Girls" star also asked Allah for forgiveness in her mysterious post.

"They always come back. I love you NYC, they always come back. I love you NYC #godblesstheworld," Lindsay Lohan captioned the Instagram shot, showing her drinking at a bar.

"#Michaeljackson #RIP miss you as my real only private friend. For you: god, for all hurts and wrongs, please let me forgive, Allah please let me be forgiven, and all forgive themselves. Please and thank you."

The former Disney star even went on to talk about TMZ, the 911 tragedy, and other confusing matters.

Lindsay Lohan's followers were quick to call out the movie star for her incoherent rant.

"You don't even know what you're saying," one Instagram user commented.

"Honestly(,) (I) don't understand at all. Thought it was about Michael Jackson, then about forgiveness and then I got lost. I love her but I'm soooo (sic) confused," another follower said.

According to a report from Radar Online, the actress' friends are extremely worried about her. Instead of worrying about her career comeback, sources said that Lindsay Lohan should focus more on keeping herself safe and away from trouble.

"It's sad, but if she keeps going the way she is, she will be lucky if she makes it to 40," the source said.

Lindsay Lohan is allegedly back to her wild partying ways amid previous claims that she is cleaning up her act.

"She is a complete mess again," an insider claimed. "Lindsay is back to partying non-stop and she has cut almost everyone out of her life again. She has even changed her phone number."

"Although her friends have given her so many chances, many of them are now done with her for good," the insider added.

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