3-Year-Old Girl Killed By Garage Door [VIDEO]

A 3-year-old girl was killed Friday afternoon when her garage door crushed her. The investigation into the girl's death is still ongoing.

Around 4pm on Friday in Charles County Maryland the little girl was playing with the remote opener to her home's garage door. Police believe the unsupervised child was trying to run below the garage door before it closed. Initial reports are suggesting the girl died of asphyxiation (suffocation).

The mother of the 3-year-old killed by the garage door was in her kitchen when she thought she heard the door open. The girl's mother went to see why the garage door opened and discovered the child pinned beneath the garage door.

The police have so far ruled the 3-year-old's death as an accident. The police are also looking into why the motion sensors did not detect the little girl and bring the garage door back up.

Facebook was full of comments from heartbroken followers. Almost all of the comments left were expressing the sorrow felt for the family of the 3-year-old girl killed by a garage door.

Jonathan Niccolls posted, "I can't even begin to imagine the heartache this family is going through, right now. My deepest condolences go out to them."

Facebook user Nicky Moody wanted to know, "Why was the 3-year-old outside playing alone?"

"Children are fast....especially at that age. They can get away from you in an instant. This is just a tragic accident," writes Ginger Ciatto Thomas.

No further information about the investigation is available at this time.

View more videos at: https://nbcwashington.com.

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