Kardashian Clan Sues Ex-Step Mom, Calling Her “Trash”

The children of famed lawyer Robert Kardashian are suing their ex-step mom for selling what they call "false" stories to the tabloids.

Kim, Khloe, Kourtney and Rob Kardashian Jr.  are suing Ellen Pearson their ex-step mom and the widow of their late father for selling excerpts from his diary to the magazine In Touch. The Kardashian's claim Pearson married their father "on his death bed." They also claim to have never met the widow of their late father.

In the excerpts from Rob Kardashian's diary the lawyer writes that his then wife Kris was neglecting and abusing their children while cheating on her husband.

Reality TV Magazine says Kim Kardashian and her siblings were quick to come to their mother's defense. The Kardashian clan resented the accusation made by their ex-step mom that Kris was an abusive monster.

On Twitter Kim Kardashian posted, "So my dad's ex is selling ridiculous stories again to tabloids! Do not believe it! Sad when people need [money] [and] get desperate. 10 [years] since dad passed [and] this woman he married [for] 2 [weeks] before he died needs [to] get a job instead of trying to [to] destroy families [with] fake stories."

Kim Kardashian may want to review her own history before lecturing someone else on the proper length of a marriage. The reality TV star was married for only 72 days. Kim Kardashian had a very public wedding that aired on E! Some say the wedding was a hoax in order to boost ratings for her show.

Khloe Kardashian took to Twitter in an angry rant condemning the woman who married her father. "How can such a piece of trash even mention my fathers name! You married him on his deathbed while he was not even aware of his surroundings. You should be hiding in shame for all the lies you sell to the tabloids."

Khloe Kardashian then added, "You have no right to even mention our names especially my mothers! We don't know you. How dare you spread such lies! You are a disgrace... 10 years after my fathers passing [and] now that she has filed for bankruptcy... NOW she sells FALSE stories. Hope that money buys you water in hell."

The Kardashian's rants on Twitter did not stop In Touch from publishing the story or Ellen Pearson from selling more Kardashian family secrets to the tabloids. That seemed to be the last straw for the reality TV stars.

Along with their mother Kris Jenner the Kardashians are suing Ellen Pearson for taking personal property left to them by their father's will. Not only do the Kardashians want their father's journals back but they also want family albums they say Pearson is holding onto.

A lawyer for the Kardashians released a statement to OMG! Yahoo saying, "The Kardashians and Kris Jenner have filed a suit against Ellen Pearson for taking personal property belonging to them by virtue of Robert Kardashian's will and by virtue of copyright protection. Today's filing should serve as notice that they will vigorously defend their rights when forced to do so."

The lawsuit against their ex-step mom was filed today and there is no news on whether or not Pearson will contest the lawsuit.

The late Rob Kardashian became famous as part of the legal team that helped acquit OJ Simpson of murder in 1995.

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