3 Dead Bodies and 70 Pit Bulls Found In Brutal Pot House Slaying

In rural Idaho's Oneida County a man looking to buy a pit bull found instead 3 dead bodies in a brutal pot house slaying Friday afternoon. The man was coming up to the house, which is also a pit bull breading operation when he saw a 2-year-old girl walking around outside the house in the freezing cold.

The man brought the girl back into the so called pot house and found another child, a 2-month old baby in the arms of its mother, Yavette Chivon Carter who was shot to death.

Carter's boyfriend Trent Jon Christensen and his father Brent Christensen were among the dead found in the pot house slaying. Reports say the two children were unharmed and turned over to relatives.

Among the 3 dead bodies the police also found 38 home grown marijuana plants with an estimated value of $95,000. The murders took place sometime between Thursday afternoon and Thursday night. The 2-year-old was likely wondering around outside for most of the night.

Sheriff Jeff Semrad believes that drugs were the leading cause for the pot house slaying but did not want to jump to conclusions until the investigation got underway. In a statement to the press Sheriff Semrad said, "You could say it might be drug related, it might be dog fighting related, it may not have anything to do with either one or it may have something to do with both of them."

The police also discovered that the pot house was a pit bull breading and fighting operation. There were between 50 and 70 pit bulls found on the property as well as a ring used to fight the dogs. The police are doing their best to feed and care for the pit bulls.

The police have not decided what they will do with the dogs as of yet. They are encouraging owners to come forward and claim the dogs. Some of the pit bulls maybe put to sleep if they are thought to be too dangerous.

Pit bulls are used in dog fighting operations more than any other dog because of their strength, intelligence and willingness to please. The pit bull is a survivor and will often fight to the finish in order to preserve its own life. Since the humans running dog fighting operations do not actually care about the quality of life for the dog, it is left up to the pit to take care of itself during a fight.

Because a pit bull bite can leave a serious injury the dog gets a bad reputation. A pit bull is a highly intelligent dog that loves people. The owner of the pit bull, that choses to fight the dog is to be blamed for the bad reputation the breed is stuck with. More often than not a pit bull will lick you to death as opposed to actually attacking a human.

The police are still investigating the pot house slaying. They do not believe the public is in any danger. The three murder victims seemed to be targeted by their killers.

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