Missing Teen Hikers Found Alive "We weren't meant to die" They Say

18-Year-old Kyndal Jack and her 19-year-old friend Nicholas Cendoya were found alive after being reported missing on Sunday. In a press conference Cendoya told reporters, "We weren't meant to die."

The teens were lost in California's Cleveland National Forest. The pair was walking along the Holy Jim Trail, but for some reason went off trail and then got separated. Rescue workers found Nicholas Cendoya Wednesday night. Cendoya was disoriented, missing his shirt and shoes and dehydrated.

The rescue workers rushed Cendoya to the hospital and continued the search for Kyndal Jack. After being released from the hospital Monday morning Cendoya spoke with reporters saying he and Jack "Just wanted to go on an Easter adventure." He added, "We weren't meant to die."

Cendoya said that he and Jack had gotten lost and wanted to call for help but the batteries in their phones had died. As they tried to find their way down the mountain they both fell and became separated. Cendoya ended up with a head injury and amnesia. Cendoya told reporters he didn't remember much after his fall but new he was having hallucinations about being stalked by tigers.

"The whole time I was lost, I felt the presence of Jesus and my friend, Carlos, who died last year of cancer," Cendoya said. "I felt they were both with me, inspiring me to stay alive. We weren't meant to die."

Kyndal Jack was found Thursday morning clinging to a thin ledge. Rescue workers could not see Jack but heard the faint cry of someone saying, "Help me."

Fred Wenzel a Deputy with the Los Angeles Country Sheriff Reserve told KABC-TV, "[Jack] was very dirty, up on a small little ledge...in the fetal position holding on."

Kyndal Jack was rescued from the ledge by helicopter, officials say she was also missing her shoes, dehydrated and disorientated.

"She asked me what year it was. She thought it was 2030. She was very confused," Wenzel said.

Jack was taken to the University of California Irvine Medical Center. Reports say she is in stable condition.

Authorities are trying to clear up how the pair became separated and why they went off a trail that is well marked in order to keep hikers from losing their way.

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