Jay Z’s Cheating Allegations Confirmed? Beyonce Commands On How To Announce Their Divorce?

With the divorce rumors that have been surrounding the relationship of Beyonce and Jay Z, recent reports revealed that there might be truth to the cheating allegations against the rapper-record producer.

While quoting a report by "In Touch" magazine, Hollywood Life shared that the 34-year-old former lead singer of R & B girl-group Destiny's Child is now considering a life without her husband.

According to the magazine's source, the Queen Bey has had suspicions already about the "longstanding" cheating allegations hurled at her mogul husband.

"Beyonce's been on high alert for some time and took her new suspicions to one of Jay Z's right hand men, who told her she needed to take that up with her husband," an unnamed source reportedly told "In Touch." "To Bey, that was a confirmation of her worst suspicions and fears."

Beyonce and Jay Z's divorce rumors may have even escalated when it was learned that the power couple's fighting allegedly got worse.

The source narrated that when the 45-year-old artist asked his wife to go with him in the MTV Video Music Awards, the "Crazy in Love" singer imposed that he let her check on his phone. However, Jay Z didn't allow her to.

"He started screaming back at her, and this went on for 20 minutes until Beyonce pulled herself together and warned Jay that he was messing with the wrong woman," the magazine's article reportedly said.

Meanwhile, Hollywood Life disclosed in a separate report, while still citing the "In Touch" article, another possible reason for Beyonce and Jay Z's divorce.

The site stated that "she thinks Jay has a thing for Rita Ora!"

The magazine's source further claimed that "Beyonce is fully in charge of how the divorce announcement is going to be made."

"She is going to play the victim card to the hilt," the source added.

In the meantime, Gossip Cop said "In Touch" may have seemed to be "out of touch" when it comes to Beyonce and Jay Z's situtaion since "A divorce announcement is NOT imminent."

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