Medical Examiner Reveals Accidental Drowning As Cause of Death for 2 Navy Divers

The Maryland medical examiner has released the cause of death for 2 Navy Divers killed in February. According to a report by AP the 2 Navy divers accidentally drowned.

Navy Diver 1st Class James Reyher and Navy Diver 2nd Class Ryan Harris were working at an underwater weapons testing facility when they accidentally drowned. The 2 Navy divers were working at the Aberdeen Proving ground, which is not too far from Baltimore.

According to the AP report the spokesman for the agency, Bruce Goldfarb said they are not authorized to release any further information regarding the autopsy of the 2 Navy divers that drowned.

The death of the 2 Navy divers is the third to take place at the Aberdeen Proving ground this year. On January 30 a civilian engineer technician, George Lazzaro drowned while he was doing maintenance on the pound. No further information about Lazzaro's autopsy is available.

The Aberdeen Proving ground where the divers drowned is currently closed. The testing facility will remain closed as the Navy investigates the deaths at the facility.

There are some who believe there is more to the story than what the facts are telling us. Wilson Santiago works for the US Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.  Santiago left a message on Facebook asking,

"How do 2 EOD [Navy] divers drown in a pond? Really something doesn't smell right!" There will be no answers until the investigations are compleate.

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