Man Threatens Obama With BB Gun After Connecticut Gun Control Speech

In Connecticut on Monday evening a man was arrested after pulling out a BB gun police believed to be a real riffle as President Obama's motorcade passed by.

Other news outlets have not identified the man but Fox News says he is 27-year-old Joseph Stravinkas. The Obama BB gun incident happened around 5:50pm. President Obama had just left the University of Hartford where he had given a speech about gun control.

As Obama's motorcade was driving by the police noticed the BB gun owner acting suspiciously. They subdued the man and forced him into custody after he took out the BB gun.

Fox News says the man was not attempting to shoot the BB gun at President Obama but was instead shooting at cans for target practice. Fox News also reported that the police did not believe the man with the BB gun new president Obama was in town.

Despite the claim that the man was shooting target practice he is still set to be arraigned on Tuesday. There is no word on what charges have been filed against the BB gun owner.

President Obama was in Hartford on Monday giving a speech about gun control. President Obama has been working with the families of the Sandy Hook tragedy in an attempt to get the senate to pass meaningful gun control legislation.

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