Rachel McAdams Told Jimmy Kimmel Live That She Smoked Pot And Hallucinated In Montreal

Monday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live on, Rachael McAdams, star of the new movie To The Wonder, admitted a story that made her seem a little more human than most celebrities, and a little insane..

While in Montreal, Rachel McAdams was trying to figure out a way to fall asleep and went to the local deli.  She told the grocer about her insomnia problem and he gave her a substance that turned out to be marijuana. 

McAdams said, "Sir, I just want to sleep; I don't want to get high."  The man assured her it was very peaceful and sh'd be able to fall right asleep.  Out of desperation Rachel decided to smoke the substance and very quickly after, she was completely hallucinating.  She says she was no longer having human thoughts and heard a man's voice singing opera music. 

She definitely did not feel like sleeping. McAdams said the high lasted for about five hours and she pretty much thought she was going crazy. 

Though it's not that uncommon to hallucinate from smoking marijuana, it sounds like her grocer, who she found out was quite the stoner, gave her weed from a sativa plant, which can keep one's mind active, instead of weed from an indica plant, which tends to aid in relaxation and sleep.

However, auditory delusions are common when smoking Marijuana.  Auditory delusions are when you hear a noise, but your mind interprets it as something else. It is commonly associated with Paranoia. 

Either way, Rachel should go to her doctor and get a prescription for Ambien.  We enjoy her on the big screen, not tripping in the loony bin.

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Rachel McAdams
Jimmy Kimmel
