Justin Bieber’s Twitter Following Fake, King Of Twitter Dethroned

A few months ago it was announced that Justin Bieber had the most followers on Twitter. Bieber was crowned the king of Twitter beating out Lady Gaga who previously held the record for most followers.

When Bieber was crowned king of Twitter, Lady Gaga posted, "So proud of @justinbieber and all the Beliebers! I'm only happy to see your fans growing in size, you all deserve it! Monsters support you."

As it turns out almost half (45-percent to be exact) of Justin Bieber's Twitter followers are fake. This report comes from Socialbakers, a site specializing in social media analysis.

Justin Bieber is said to have 37 million followers on Twitter. Socialbakers says that a large number of those followers are "fake." Socialbakers defines a "fake" fan account as,

  • The account is following less than 50 people and has less than one follower
  • More than 30% of all tweets use spam phrases, such as "diet," "make money," and "work from home"
  • The same tweets are repeated more than three times, even when posted to different accounts
  • More than 90% of the account's tweets are retweets
  • More than 90% of tweets are links and the profile has a following: followers ratio of 7: 1 or more. This means the profile is following 7 users while only being followed by 1.
  • The account has never tweeted
  • The account is more than two months old and still has a default profile image

According to the Socialbakers report Justine Bieber has only 17 million "good" followers. This number puts him behind Lady Gaga who has 19 million followers.

19-year-old Justin Bieber has been making entertainment headlines over the past month. He first attempted at attack the paparazzi in London. For showing up late to a concert London fans booed him. He fainted during a concert and has been kicked out of a Vienna nightclub after his security smashed cameras belonging to fans.

Usually vocal on twitter about the goings on in his life, there is nothing from Bieber about his fake twitter followers.  

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