For 'Oh La La Couple' Actor Shin Hyun Joon It Was Love At First Sight Meeting His Fiancee

It was love at first sight. Actor Shin Hyun Joon bumped into a woman in the doorway of a building and he knew right away that she was someone he wanted in his life.

No, that is not the subject of an upcoming drama that he will play in. It's the story of how Shin actually met his fiancée, Tak Jae Hoon, the woman he will marry on May 26 in the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seoul.

"We passed by each other and we both looked back," said the actor. "I felt like I had always known her. I continued walking for a while but then thought I should not miss the opportunity to meet her. So, I turned back to give her my name card, and she asked for an autograph. That's how our relationship started."

Not much is known about his wife-to-be other than that she is studying for a doctorate in music.

"I've been in a relationship with her for about six months," said Shin. "Many articles say she is Korean American but she has just been studying music in America for a long time."

Tak is 32, which makes her 12 years younger than her fiancée. Shin says she tried to talk him out of getting married since her studies will keep her in America for a while longer. But he could not be persuaded. They communicate as often as possible by video chatting.

When rumors about their upcoming marriage began circulating, the star of "Ohlala Couple" and "Bridal Mask" sent out a verifying tweet that said, "I am getting married. Now 'I' will become 'us' and we will become more beautiful, hard-working and diligent workers for God. Thank you."

He added a Bible verse from Genesis, "And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Shin is a devout Christian, who has no problems being public about his faith. His photo-essay book, "Shun Hyun Joon's Confessions," which was published in 2008, offered readers insights into his faith journey. It sold out in two days then was released in China and Japan. The book contained a forward by Jackie Chan, as well as contributions by Korean celebrities. Shin has performed missionary work and volunteered for various charities.

The veteran actor has appeared in dozens of films and a dozen dramas, most notably in the dramas "Barefoot Ki Bong" and "Stairway to Heaven" and in the film "Marrying the Mafia." He also appeared as the photographer in the KISS music video "Because I'm A Girl." Shin also serves as the host for the entertainment news program, "Entertainment Relay."

As his wife-to-be is working on her doctorate, they seem well suited. Shin is not only a good actor, but he's pretty smart. He has written two children's books and works as an acting professor at Induk University.

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