Dad Who Drowned His Sons In Muddy Waters In Texas Gets Death Penalty; Public Says "Should Rot In Prison Or Be Drowned Himself!"[VIDEO]

The North Texas dad who drowned his two sons was found guilty and then sentenced to the death penalty on Thursday. Lethal injection sounds sweet compared to the sons being drowned in muddy water.

The jury took less than 10 minutes last week to find him guilty of capital for drowning sons 5-year-old Naim and 3-year-old Elijah. The same jury took over 3 hours to impose the death penalty to murderer Naim Rasool Muhammad.

"I apologize for bringing any pain and hurt on anybody for the actions that I have caused to you all," Muhammad said after the sentence was announced.

He said that the only reason he did it was because he wanted to be a father and thought that was being taken away. When the children's mother started dating a new man.

Muhammad killed Naim and Elijah in August 2011. Authorities say he forced the boys and their mother, Kametra Sampson, into a car and started driving on what was supposed to be Naim's first day of kindergarten. They never made it to school.

"You've shown that you have no boundaries, that nothing is sacred to you -- not even the bond between a father and son," Sampson said after the verdict was announced.

In closing arguments, prosecutor Tammy Kemp called Muhammad "a monster" and "100 percent pure evil." That angered Muhammad's mother, who stood up and shouted, "That is not a monster. He is my son." She bolted from the courtroom but could be heard shouting in the corridor outside as Kemp resumed her closing argument.

Prosecutors said Muhammad is a threat to society and that there is no reason he should be allowed to live.

"I don't have to recall the facts of the case because, although it was not filled with blood or gore, it was a horror unimagined," prosecutor Sherre Sweet said.

"It was the ultimate textbook family violence power and control play -- 'If I can't get you to do what I want you to do through violence, I will go to your very heartstrings,'" Sweet said.

Thankfully, Muhammad tried but failed to take his youngest child, a 1-year-old, from another location earlier in the day. Unfortunately the baby will never get to meet his older brothers.

Seems Muhammad got off easy with lethal injection.  Followers of the case, including myself, felt that a lifetime rotting in prison would suit the crime more than just a peaceful death.

In a perfect world, Muhammad would be slowly drowned in muddy waters, the same as his two children.  But onviously we don't live in an eye for an eye, barbaric society.  So the next best thing would have been a suffering painful life. 

Do you think the jury failed the public or is the death penalty enough of a punishment?

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