Teen Blocked From Prom Because Her Breasts Were Too Large; Teen's Mom Says 'All Women Are Not Created Equal' [Video]

A Washington teenager, Brittany Minder, was initially blocked from her high school's prom because she was showing too much cleavage. The teenage girl believes it was because her breasts were too big.

At Silverlake Washington high school, they frown upon cleavage of any sort. 

KONO News recently reported that a senior who just wanted to attend her high school prom, Brittany Minder,  was initially turned away from the event because her dress revealed too much of cleavage.

The problem for Brittany is her bust is too large, and even after going all the way to Canada to get a dress specifically for well-endowed women, she still couldn't cover them up enough to satiate the school district.

Said Minder, "In my opinion, I feel that it is because I'm bigger chested and there is more cleavage that you can see, and there's nothing I could really do about that."

The school's dress code allows strapless dresses, but only as long as cleavage, midriff and lower back are covered.

Minder's parents have no problem with the rules, but say their daughter was singled out for having a large chest.

"All women are not created equal, and you can not compare a golf ball to a grapefruit. It ain't gonna happen," Brittany's mom, Kim Minder said.

Her father wanted to know what Brittany might have worn that the school would have found acceptable attire for a high school prom.

"A girl like Brittany should not have to go to a dance in a burlap sack because she's large busted," he said. "It's ridiculous."

Staff members helped Brittany cover her cleavage with a shawl and she eventually entered the prom, but the embarrassment had already struck and after a self-conscious hour at the prom, she left embarrassed and angry.

"I felt self-conscious and they took the magic out of the night," she said. "It was tough being there after all that happened. I didn't feel comfortable. I already had a blow to my self-esteem. I didn't really want to be there anymore."

Minder said she's worn dresses with a similar neckline to other dances without any problems.

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