Space Penguin PHOTO: Colliding Galaxy Shaped Like Penguin Guarding Its Egg: Amazing Image By NASA’s Hubble Telescope [VIDEO]

A galaxy that looks like cosmic penguin guarding its egg has been discovered by NASA's Hubble telescope. [WATCH INCREDIBLE VIDEO BELOW]. The space penguin has emerged in an amazing new photo of two galaxies colliding.

The cosmic penguin and its egg are 326 million light-years from Earth-but they shine in a stunning new photo.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...penguin?!

The photo of the space penguin and its egg actually depicts two galaxies colliding.

Although the cosmic penguin, which is in the Hydra constellation, looks pretty happy to be guarding its egg, the egg is actually what ripped the penguin apart.

The penguin and egg were once a spiral galaxy, just like Earth.

Blue and red wisps that make the penguin body are the remanants of the galaxy, called NGC 2936, thrown off their orbit from the brunt of the egg. The egg is a second galaxy, NGC 237.

The pair together are called Arp 142.

Arp is actually a pretty cute name for a penguin.

"The eye of the penguin is all that remains of NGC 2936, once a spiral galaxy like our Milky Way," Joe Liske, a European Space Agency astronomer, explains in a video about the interstellar penguin and egg. v"Its disrupted arms streak down through this image, shaping the cosmic bird's body as a cascade of blue and red."

Liske added, "When two galaxies collide, they can be rendered unrecognizable as vast clouds of gas and dust race towards each other, crashing forcefully and sparking bursts of star formation," Liske said. "Hubble has been able to capture some of these mergers, providing us with beautiful astronomical images and an insight into these turbulent events."

The space penguin is so many light years away that the galaxy has long disintegrated. NASA's Hubble telescope, a collaboration between ESA and NASA, is expected to be replaced in 2018, and it will continue taking amazing images until then.

WATCH a video below of the colliding galaxies shaped like a penguin guarding its egg:

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