Five Million Instagram Video Uploads Only 24 Hours Into The Debut Of The Video Feature

Five million Instagram video uploads within 24 hours of the video-option being available on the app.

It was on Thursday that Facebook announced that Instagram would have this new feature for the social media app and 24 hours later, there was already five million Instagram video uploads.

With 130 million users on Instagram, and a social media site known for users showing off their personal pictures, now five million Instagram video uploads take place 24 hours after the announcement of this feature took place.

The video feature for Instagram allows users to upload 15-second videos to their profile for their followers to see and there is also the option of using the same features that you were able to use for pictures. Also, any frame of the video can be used as the cover-photo for the video.

"It's the most exciting thing I've seen from Facebook since they bought Instagram last year," Rakesh Agrawal, the principal analyst of Redesign Mobile said about videos now being used on Instagram in an interview with the Associated Press. "They managed to incorporate video in a way that doesn't destroy the mystique of what they already built."

Facebook purchased Instagram for $1 billion last April.

"For years, we've focused on building the best experience for sharing photos with your friends and family," Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in a statement. "Now, we'll be able to work even more closely with the Instagram team to also offer the best experiences for sharing beautiful mobile photos with people based on your interests."

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