Ohio Air Show Crash Kills The Pilot And Stunt Woman Saturday: The Spectators Were Treated To A Unique Stunt Before The Plane Crashes

An Ohio air show crash leaves two dead, which included the pilot and the wing walker who was attempting a stunt of sitting on the wing of the upside down train.

The Ohio air show crash took place Saturday near Dayton, killing Jane Wicker and the pilot, Charlie Schwenker at the Vectran Air Show.

Moments before the Ohio air show crash, Wicker hung underneath the plane's wing by her feet and sat on the bottom of the airplane while it was upside down.

"Now she's still on that far side. Keep an eye on Jane. Keep an eye on Charlie. Watch this! Jane Wicker, sitting on top of the world," the announcer said right before the plane makes a quick turn and nosedive into the ground as the flame burst into flames, killing Wicker and Schwenker.

An investigation is underway and no exact cause has been given for the crash. No spectators were injured during the crash.

"What you see us do out there is after an enormous amount of practice and fine tuning, not to mention the airplane goes through microscopic care. It is a managed risk and that is what keeps us alive," Wicker wrote on her website.

One spectator noticed that the moments before the Ohio air show crash, the plan might have been too low.

"I noticed it was upside-down really close to the ground. She was sitting on the bottom of the plane," Shawn Warrick told the Dayton Daily News. "I saw it just go right into the ground and explode."

Thanh Tran noticed that something bad was going to happen.

"She looked very scared," he told the Daily News. "Then the airplane crashed on the ground. After that, it was terrible, man ... very terrible."

The weekend show will continue Sunday, but was cancelled for the rest of the day, following the crash.

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