Climate Change Likened To Four Hiroshima Atomic Bombs Of Heat Per Second By Scientists

Climate change has been compared to an atomic bomb by scientists.

The planet Earth has now been increasing in temperature at the rate of four Hiroshima nuclear bombs of heat every second.

This change is completely attributed the condition to human actions. The escalating temperatures are essentially akin to atomic bombs, scientists say.

Many more emissions are currently released than during any period in history.

''All these heat-trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere mean ... our planet has been building up heat at the rate of about four Hiroshima bombs every second - consider that going continuously for several decades", John Cook, Climate Communication Fellow from the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland, told press.

Cook emphasized that the vast majority of global warming--   90%-- is currently entering oceans. And, he added, oceans are responsible for transformations in land, ice, and animal species , thus a natural thermometer.

Hurricane Katrina and superstorm Sandy are just two examples of how extreme weather will intensify, according to scientists.

Climate records have been broken throughout the world this year.  Thus, the tempareature rises have been compared to an atomic bomb.

Some examples of this include the fact that animals have been mating well before season. Trees have also shifted to fare cooler regions such as poles or mountains.

Humans are currently emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any other time in history.

Cook noted that for the past two decades, 97 per cent of scientists agree that human activity is causing warmer temperatures.

But, he added, the public is misinformed and believes that scientists are about 50/50 on the issue.

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