Rihanna Stay In Amsterdam Features Double Weed Blunt Instagram Pic To 'Legalize It' [Pics]

Rihanna was in the Netherlands over the weekend, and she let her cannabis appreciation show publicly on Saturday while in the notoriously weed-friendly nation while her double blunt blew everything else away.

Rihanna has been enjoying her freedom since her split with R&B singer, Chris Brown, and never was this more apparent than in her trip to Amsterdam, long the haven for stoner American's to visit their delicious "cofffee" shops.

The above pick was taged, "Where am I??? At Heauxm!!!!!," but that wasn't the only herbal pic.

Earlier in the day, she posted a photo of her rocking a "naked Mermaid on my shirt #WAVES #silverspoonattire," in a possible reference to the fancy hotel she's staying in while rocknig naked mermaids and smoking blunts.

But that was only the beginning. The next pic featured her ripping the same blunt, with the pithy declaration to "#LegalizeIt"

And she hadn't even made it out to the coffee shops yet! We're wondering if maybe she'll cover Peter Tosh's classic, "Legalize It?"

Rihanna had been out in Dublin with her father the night before, but it was Amsterdam where all the hijinks ensued.

The next pic was the one you see above, where she's sending out a message about where she's smoking the ganja at, but then she lays it down a little more simple while she's continuing to wear incredibly large blunts as incisor teeth, like a Sea Lion.

"I'm just a girl...#Amsterdam" sums it up nicely. Yes Rihanna, you are just a girl, and you look to be enjoying Amsterdam like many fine potheads have before you.

Later in the night, Rihanna gave her friend, Jennifer Morales, props for making a glass bong milky white with the sticky icky, captioning her photo of the event, "She makes that look so good!! ;) @Jennnrosales #Amsterdam @motherland"

Rihanna knows how to get down, even if she stuck too long behind Chris Brown, she's still down with the funky weed, we all know she loves.

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