Aaron Hernandez Arrest Warrant: Odin Lloyd Sixth Team Member Of The Bandits Killed In Freak Accident Within 11 Years

As Massachusetts State Police divers continue to search a pond near the home of Aaron Hernandez for clues relating to the murder of Odin Lloyd, the victim's team says his death was the sixth in a string of freak accidents within the last 11 years.

"The Bandits have been hit by an inordinate amount of tragedy for a tiny team," the Boston Bandits' website reads.

"Derrick Rucker died in an electrical fire in 2002 and left behind a young daughter. Four years later, a Bandits rookie named Jeff Ibenewenka was murdered in Hyde Park, also leaving a daughter. Lineman Jason Mitchell died in 2008, two years after retiring from the Bandits. BJ Smith died in his sleep in 2009 at age 34, leaving behind a wife and two children. Cedric Warren was killed in a car accident last year. He also had a daughter," Yahoo! Sports wrote in an article.

The Bandits are a semi-professional football team in New England that have housed many players who have gone professional with the National Football League.

Lloyd joined The Bandits with a group of friends from the John O' Bryant School of Math and Science in Roxbury in 2007 and together formed the spine of the team, according to Yahoo! Sports.

"He was a very personable player, always in a good mood," Olivier Bustin, the team's head coach, told the website. "Never had a problem with him. Liked by teammates. A very good athlete."

Investigations involving Odin Lloyd's murder continue and Aaron Hernandez faces a possible arrest warrant. 

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