Sex Tape Star Farrah Abraham Gets A Diploma! You Won't Believe The Class She Passed.. [VIDEO]

Farrah Abraham, sex tape star, passed her alcohol ed classes. We've seen Farrah Abraham act like a ditz in her sex tape but Farrah can actually pass a class!

Farrah Abraham copped a plea deal with prosecutors earlier this month pleading guilty to DUI.  She got 6 months probation and was ordered to complete an alcohol education course, which the sex tape queen was able to pass.

Farrah took the classes in Texas where she lives, rather than Nebraska, where she was arrested, and even got a diploma, and it might now be her last!

Taking business courses at Pace University via their online curriculum, Farrah is going back to school after some questionable choices such as selling a sex tape while having raising a three year old daughter. She's been scolded by the media, and encouraged to go back to school with her new 7 figure check from her sex tape  and the "Teen Mom" is actually doing it!

Abraham will be studying with Pace's Lubin School of Business and working towards her BBA in Business Studies. The former "Teen Mom" (and avid cook) has already worked on her culinary degree, so adding a business degree just makes sense. She is a busy entrepreneur making millions on her sex tape, and a business degree will definitely help her many pursuits.

Farrah's leaked sex tape sold for a reported $1.5 million to Vivid Entertainment. Really not sure why Farrah made 7 figures, considering anybody can watch the leaked tape on the net for free.

Porn king Steve Hirsch, had been interested in buying the dual "Teen Mom"/James Deen XXX porn from the beginning.

Hirsch added that the tape, which the company pursued as "vigorously as any sex tape we've ever pursued," is 70 minutes of "non-stop erotic action," and "Farrah is gorgeous, sexy and absolutely uninhibited." I personally disagree and think Farrah sounds like a bimbo and isn't sexy at all. 

If you've watched "Teen Mom" it's hard to get past looking at her as a mom to adorable 3-year-old-Sophia, and see her as a sex symbol. Well, more of a trashy whore as you can see in the video below.

As for Farrah, she is happy with the deal she made saying "This is a risk for me to take, however I feel comfortable having given the rights to Vivid, a company I know can handle the media and press surrounding my sexuality."

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