Lucy Millsap Noodling Catfish Champion: Texan Wins Okie Noodling Tournament With Record 72 Pound Grab [Pics & Video]

19-year-old Lucy Millsap shocked her male competitors in the Okie Noodling Tournament this weekend by noodling catfish better than the boys. The hot cheerleader beat out 200 other competitors!

At Saturday's Okie Noodling Tournament in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, the former cheerleader from Texas became the first girl in the 14-year history of the event to win.

Lucy grabbed a 72-pound catfish by the mouth and wrangled it in becoming the only woman to win the Okie Noodling Tournament and pissing off the largely male, and Oklahoma-centric crowd.

Grind TV reports that the 72-pound catfish Millsap noodled is the largest in the tournament's history.

But the 19-year-old from Texas also had to deal with some smack talking, since she's female and not from the state of Oklahoma, where noodling was apparently invented.

Lucy Millsap spoke with Tulsa World about how her record-breaking win causing a bit of controversy at the tournament:

"There was a lot of trash talk at the event," Millsap told the paper. "Men would walk by and say slurs in my ear, say 'You couldn't catch that by yourself.' I had men go so far as to curse and cuss at me and stuff. I thought, 'Really? How big was the fish you weighed in? Thirty pounds? I thought so. Nice to meet you, too.'"

Millsap is a former cheerleader and a member of the Bare Knuckle Babes Facebook team, highlighting some of the hottest noodlers around.

"Noodling" or "handfishing" involves sticking your hand into a murky spot of water hoping a catfish bites on to it. For Lucy, her 72 pound stunner, gave her a start when it first latched on, as Lucy said it " rolled like an alligator."

If you're not watching Lucy Millsap noodling catfish, then you're missing out.

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