With Xbox One Price $100 More Than PS4, Sony Feels Welcomed With 'Very Positive Response', Credits Twitter For Rapid Fan Reaction

Long after the E3 Expo, consumers continue to discuss the Xbox One-PlayStation 4 comparison, and in so many ways, the Sony machine is getting the better verbal treatment.

One distinction that remains the easiest to see is the price difference. As noted by many already, with Xbox One at $499 and PS4 at $399, the difference of $100, especially during the holiday shopping season, could be crucial.

Economist and author Rafi Mohammed tells Bloomberg that the issue "should have been caught early on."

"This has the potential to really derail Xbox One for the upcoming holiday season."

The reaction to Sony, for the most part, has been largely different on the surface. According to Sony Computer Entertainment president Shuhei Yoshida, fan feedback and Twitter have something to do with it.

"There were lots of people who gave their opinions on that issue to my Twitter account before E3," Yoshida tells Famitsu magazine.

"It's not that our hardware policies are decided strictly based on user reaction like this, but when we were thinking about what we had to bring across and how to bring it across, it was a very useful source."

Yoshida's mention of Microsoft's recent backlash and subsequent reversal on the controversial digital rights management policies reflects just how quickly consumers and gamers can turn on you.

And yet, he believes the response for Sony and PS4 has been largely positive.

"For this system, we made a list of what people expected from us, debating over each point, with user feedback forming the main basis for the list," continues Yoshida.

"The software makers are also telling us that they feel like they really make some fun stuff with it. A new platform always provides the basis for new forms of play, so I'd like to see it connect to a revitalization of the marketplace."

And considering Forbes recently published an article called "Five Reasons Why PS4 Should Outsell Xbox One," Sony's confidence seems reinforced.

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