Metal Gear Solid Creator Seeks Remake With Phantom Pain Fox Engine: Takes A Cue From Final Fantasy X HD Remake?

Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima has announced plans to seek a developer to remake the original title using Kojima Productions' Fox Engine, the same engine that powers the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

"In order to make things much more efficient Fox Engine provides a way where the environments, instead of the environment artists and the modelers having to draw each model of the environment, now level designers can just create terrain to a point where they can show the game design so modelers don't have to do everything on their own," says Kojima during an interview with Game Reactor.

As noted by IGN, this won't be the first time Kojima has sought outside help to remake a MGS title.

Most gamers will remember the recent Metal Gear Solid: Rising, a spinoff partnered with North American Platinum Studios that received mixed reactions.

In addition, a Gamecub remake, The Twin Snakes, was made in 2004.

But using the Fox Engine will be a different venture, not in the least being gamers will probably expect the same quality in terms of graphics as that of The Phantom Pain.

But Kojima affirms that it is not about graphics, but simply being able to enjoy a Metal Gear Solid game whenever a gamer wishes.

"For us it's not about upgraded graphics or anything like that. We're really looking forward to the fact that we can now use multiple devices to play a game," continues Kojima.

"So whether it's smart phones or tablets, we can play Metal Gear Solid V on that tablet or smartphone and integrate that into what we have on the console. So people can play the game essentially 24 hours and be in the world of MGS anytime they like to."

The desire to remake a previous hit title and the open-mindedness on using other devices will sound familiar to Square Enix and Final Fantasy fans.

Final Fantasy X, which originally came out for the PS2 in 2001, will be coming to the PS Vita with an HD remake along with its sequel, Final Fantasy X-2.

Should Kojima consider the Vita for the remake, or will the Fox Engine be the only way to re-envision Metal Gear Solid?

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