Playstation 4 Release Date Rumors: Sony Profiting From Xbox One DRM Mistake? PS4 Spokesman Says Microsoft DRM Stumble Was A ‘Very Useful Source’

Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida said Microsoft's initial DRM stumble was a "very useful source" for Sony in its PS4 marketing planning, according to PSXExtreme.

"There were lots of people who gave their opinions on that issue to my Twitter account before E3. It's not that our hardware policies are decided strictly based on user reaction like this, but when we were thinking about what we had to bring across and how to bring it across, it was a very useful source," Yoshida said.

Sony garnered the attention of gamers across the world after announcing the PS4's features and policies on game sharing at E3 earlier this month, especially when it announced that there would not be restrictions on used games and online access.

And Microsoft's initial hard-line policies on used games and online access - the company first announced that used games would not be able to be shared on a consumer-to-consumer basis and that the Xbox One would have to check in every day - coupled with their reversal on those same policies managed to earn the Playstation 4 some positive news coverage.

But SCE Japan Asia president Hiroshi Kawano said both consoles have a "very positive" outlook and that feedback is being taken into consideration, according to PSXExtreme.

"As of now, I feel like we're getting a very positive response. For this system, we made a list of what people expected from us, debating over each point, with user feedback forming the main basis for the list. The software makers are also telling us that they feel like they really make some fun stuff with it. A new platform always provides the basis for new forms of play, so I'd like to see it connect to a revitalization of the marketplace," he told the website.

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